HOW TO TUTORIALS Setting a redirect path

Redirect paths allow you to control where your recipient's web browser is navigated to after they have finished signing a document. By default, a generic completion page will be shown to all recipients, intended to notify them that no further action is required.

If your workflows do however require additional action by your recipient after they have signed a document, you can show this by navigating them directly to your website after they have signed by using this feature.

RESOURCES >> Documents and Templates

step one

step one

Setting a redirect path

  • Follow the process of sending a new document.
  • When adding your recipients, click More options and select Redirect path.
  • In the new window, enter your full http or https web address for the complete and decline actions.
  • Click Save to save your changes.


step two

step two

  • The decline redirect path can be used to navigate your recipients web browser if they choose to decline a document.RETURN TO RESOURCES