Incident Reporting

Effective 01 July 2019

At PleaseSign we believe you own your data, and we’re committed to keeping it private and secure. Outlined in our Privacy Policy you can find how we handle and protect your data from unauthorised parties.

On an annual basis our independent third-party cyber security consultants test our application and privacy related controls through industry-recognised penetration tests and vulnerability scans. Their findings and opinions are written in a detailed report which you can download here.

If you need to speak with someone at PleaseSign for a privacy related manner, please send an email to

Report an incident

If you need to submit a security related incident to PleaseSign, please send an email to the PleaseSign Security Team at outlining the incident in as much detail as possible. Our security professionals will then evaluate the report and get back to you to discuss the incident further if required.

Protect yourself

If you believe that you have received a fraudulent email from PleaseSign, or any individual working at PleaseSign, send the email to and then delete it.

You can protect yourself from fraudulent emails and websites by familiarising yourself with common tactics used by attackers:

  • Forging the sender of an email can be done with little to no effort, If you don’t recognise the sender of an email containing a PleaseSign document, contact the sender directly to verify the authenticity of the email.
  • Emails sent to you by PleaseSign when requesting a signature do not contain attachments. If you receive an email requesting a signature with an attachment, send the email to and then delete it.
  • Only when a document has been completed, and when the sender of the document has enabled the feature will PleaseSign provide the document in PDF format as an attachment in the email.
  • We do not require you to visit external websites outside of the domain to send or sign documents electronically. Any links prompting you to visit an external site should be ignored.
  • Websites within the domain will be served over https, any website that you visit without https should be done so with caution.




  • 1300 074 404